Towards Gol

Ferry to Kinsarvik - view from Utne

From Utne we took the ferry to Kinsarvik and drove first the 13 and then the 7 towards Gol. The tunnels were fascinating: one had a roundabout inside a mountain, and another one had floors: you were driving up like in a parking garage.

In Eidfjord, they have an old phone booth filled with free books:

Phone booth with free books in Eidfjord

The 7 goes along the Hardangervidda and this was such a scenic drive, wow. In many places there were tourists stopping and taking photos:

Hardangervidda seen from the 7

Gol is a very touristic place, famous for winter sports. We were a bit disappointed with this area. Maybe this was because we were not there in winter: many trees had been cut down, which made things look a bit sad. And of course we had just come from a wonderful place, so we had gotten used to spectacular views. Gol wasn’t bad:

Gol Norway
It has a stave church from around 1200. And we had an interesting, quiet house with a compost toilet and an ancient oven: Ancient oven in Gol, Norway

But when we went for a walk in a place with many walking routes (Storefjell) this was the first thing we saw:

Thankfully, if you walk about a kilometer from there, you’re away from the crowds and can enjoy nice views and quietness: 

–> September 9: Hemsedal
<– September 6: Samlen