Following the instructions of Spanje Anders we took a bus from Malaga to Casabermeja and then entered Bar El Taxi to get a taxi (and a coffee). The taxi took us to Cortijo Fresnada near Villanueva de Cauche. Here was the starting point of our walk. It was a beautiful day, 28 degrees Celsius. This weather would stay the same for the next four days and then drop to 23.
Our walk started on easy terrain, but after a few hours the directions told us to leave the road and climb a hill. There was no path, we had to climb fences and “head east” and we wondered if we were on the right track. But in the end we passed Casa de Juana Maria (the woman kindly let us refill our water bottles) and we knew we were on the route.
Around 6:30 p.m. it was getting dark and apparently the owners of B&B El Aguila Libre, where we would stay, were wondering if we would show up. One of them had stepped into his car to come and look for us and showed us the way to the B&B. This was a nice place, we were welcomed with a cold beer on the terrace in the above picture and had a good meal there with two other Dutch guests.
-> October 28: Alfarnatejo – Ventas de Zafarraya
<- Andalucia 2013